The reason why we become fat because the fat cells which in our body
are increasing and become larger. The main reason
that which due to the excessive intake of high calories
and endocrine disorders, genetic and other causes.
And the women who always sit and no exercise and
will make their legs become thicker. It is good to
through the exercise to loss their weight and fat,
but the exercise which is not suitable will make the
fats of legs become more and more.
Dr. Park, the director of The Bio Plastic Hospital said
through the Liposuction surgery can make the imperfect
body line become prefect in according with the proportion
of subcutaneous liposuction and fat cell.
Thigh fat almost can not to be consumed,
and the circulation is not good, so the fat of
the thigh is not easy to decrease it.
On the other hand, Dr. Park, the director of The Bio
Plastic Hospital said the care of after surgery is also
very important so that we need to follow to doctor's
instructions to have the postoperative care.
If you have any other question, please don’t hesitate
and contract us!
We are always feel free to answer you.
address:首爾 西大門區 忠正路59 西大門 the-ovill 201號室
201seodaemun the-ovill59,Chungjeong-ro,Seodaemun-gu,Seoul,Korea 03736
weixin : koreatopmedi , gyzhengxing
qq : 2949481714 , 326931994 ,1241815262
公司 : 82-2-312-3688
mobile : 82-10-9050-5075
Fax : 82-2-312-3788
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